Video: Solar power from energy-harvesting trees

Scientists at VTT have developed a prototype of a tree that harvests solar energy from its surroundings - whether indoors or outdoors - stores it and turns it into electricity to power small devices such as mobile phones, ...

Light reveals new details of Gauguin's creative process

French artist Paul Gauguin is well known for his colorful paintings of Tahitian life—such as the painting that sold recently for nearly $300 million—but he also was a highly experimental printmaker. Little is known, however, ...

Ionic liquids open door to better rare-earth materials processing

U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory and Critical Materials Institute materials chemist Anja Mudring is harnessing the promising qualities of ionic liquids, salts in a liquid state, to optimize processes for critical ...

Devising a way to count proteins as they group

A new study from Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis and University of California Berkeley researchers reports on an innovative theoretical methodology to solve "the counting problem," which is key to understanding ...

Budget deal takes aim, but misses on climate plans

A congressional deal to finance the government chips away at some Obama administration energy and environmental programs, but leaves largely intact the president's plans on global warming—at least until Republicans take ...

How computing is transforming materials science research

In the United States, the start of 2014 marked the end of an era—the "death" of incandescent light bulbs. Not that all 40- and 60-watt incandescent light bulbs simultaneously stopped working on January 1, 2014, but their ...

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