Related topics: light

X-ray studies search for Ebola cure

In experiments carried out partly at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, scientists have determined in atomic detail how a potential drug molecule fits into and blocks a channel in cell membranes ...

Ringing in a new way to measure and modulate trapped light

Researchers working at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a novel way to noninvasively measure and map how and where trapped light vibrates within microscale optical resonators.

Speeding particles in the sights of a laser

It might be easier to track tiny particles in the future – even when they hurtle along with the speed of a rifle bullet. This is thanks to researchers working with Christoph Marquardt and Gerd Leuchs at the Max Planck Institute ...

Imaging turns a corner

( —Scientists have developed a new microscope which enables a dramatically improved view of biological cells.

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