Related topics: light

Researchers Demonstrate 'Quantum Data Buffering' Scheme

( -- Pushing the envelope of Albert Einstein's "spooky action at a distance," known as entanglement, researchers at the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) of the Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards ...

Transformation optics make a U-turn for the better

( -- Berkeley researchers have combined the scientific fields of transformation optics and plasmonics to demonstrate that with only moderate modifications of the dielectric component of a metamaterial, the physical ...

Researchers demonstrate label-free super-resolution microscopy

Researchers have developed a new measurement and imaging approach that can resolve nanostructures smaller than the diffraction limit of light without requiring any dyes or labels. The work represents an important advance ...

New lasing technique inspired by brightly colored birds

( -- Researchers at Yale University have succeeded in building a new kind of laser based on the way brightly colored birds show their colors. Building on the new approach to creating laser beams, whereby holes ...

Integrated photonics meets electron microscopy

Scientists in Switzerland and Germany have achieved efficient electron-beam modulation using integrated photonics—circuits that guide light on a chip. The experiments could lead to entirely new quantum measurement schemes ...

Making lasers more efficient, versatile and compact

Their inner workings reside in the realm of physics, but lasers make everyday life possible. Talking on a cell phone or googling COVID stats while your apples and oranges are scanned at the checkout counter—lasers at every ...

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