Related topics: light

Quantum optics with microwaves

( —Physicists at ETH Zurich have demonstrated one of the quintessential effects of quantum optics—known as the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect—with microwaves, whose frequency is 100'000 times lower than that of visible ...

'Super-resolution' microscope possible for nanostructures

( —Researchers have found a way to see synthetic nanostructures and molecules using a new type of super-resolution optical microscopy that does not require fluorescent dyes, representing a practical tool for biomedical ...

Physicists find right (and left) solution for on-chip optics

( —A Harvard-led team of researchers has created a new type of nanoscale device that converts an optical signal into waves that travel along a metal surface. Significantly, the device can recognize specific kinds ...

Researchers create novel optical fibers

( —Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) have found a new mechanism to transmit light through optical fibers. Their discovery marks the first practical application of a Nobel-Prize-winning ...

Better than X-rays: A more powerful terahertz imaging system

( —Low-energy terahertz radiation could potentially enable doctors to see deep into tissues without the damaging effects of X-rays, or allow security guards to identify chemicals in a package without opening it. ...

'Metasurfaces' to usher in new optical technologies

( —New optical technologies using "metasurfaces" capable of the ultra-efficient control of light are nearing commercialization, with potential applications including advanced solar cells, computers, telecommunications, ...

'Beam sharing': Two experiments with one X-ray laser

( —Blue-glowing diamond crystals hold promise for expanding the research capacity of SLAC's X-ray laser by divvying up its pulses for use in separate, simultaneous experiments.

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