Related topics: light

X-ray optics on a chip

Waveguides are widely used for filtering, confining, guiding, coupling or splitting beams of visible light. However, creating waveguides that could do the same for X-rays has posed tremendous challenges in fabrication, so ...

Scientists count microscopic particles without a microscope

Scientists from Russia and Australia have proposed a simple new way of counting microscopic particles in optical materials by means of a laser. A light beam passing through such a material splits and forms a characteristic ...

New non-invasive imaging method for showing oxygen in tissue

Learning how to look inside a body without having to cut it open is still an important part of medical research. One of the great challenges in imaging remains the visualization of oxygen in tissue. A team led by Prof. Vasilis ...

Getting a better measure of spin with diamond

Diamonds are one of the most coveted gemstones. But while some may want the perfect diamond for its sparkle, physicists covet the right diamonds to perfect their experiments. The gem is a key component in a novel system that ...

A tiny switch for a few particles of light

The Jedi knights of the Star Wars saga are engaged in an impossible fight. This does not result from the superiority of the enemy empire, but from physics because laser swords cannot be used for fighting like metallic blades: ...

Laser beams with a 'twist'

(University of the Witwatersrand) Using geometric phase inside lasers for the first time, researchers find a way to change the orbital angular momentum of laser beams.

X-ray studies search for Ebola cure

In experiments carried out partly at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, scientists have determined in atomic detail how a potential drug molecule fits into and blocks a channel in cell membranes ...

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