Related topics: light

Deep insights into a living fungus

In order to examine tissues under the microscope, they usually have to be cut into thin slices. But it is impossible to analyze whole tissues or living organisms in this way. However, this is exactly what two Mexican research ...

Topology can play a crucial role in the generation of laser light

A donut is not a bun. From a mathematical point of view, they are two fundamentally different objects: The donut has a hole, the bun does not. A circle inside the donut around its hole in the center cannot be shrunk to a ...

Stirring a superfluid with a laser

Scientists from the Graduate School of Engineering Science at Osaka University used optical tweezers for the first time inside superfluid helium. With a strongly focused beam of light, they demonstrated the stable trapping ...

Integrated photonics meets electron microscopy

Scientists in Switzerland and Germany have achieved efficient electron-beam modulation using integrated photonics—circuits that guide light on a chip. The experiments could lead to entirely new quantum measurement schemes ...

Making lasers more efficient, versatile and compact

Their inner workings reside in the realm of physics, but lasers make everyday life possible. Talking on a cell phone or googling COVID stats while your apples and oranges are scanned at the checkout counter—lasers at every ...

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