Biologists make living sperm glow

How do female insects manage to keep sperm fresh for months after mating? This has been a central question for the sperm biologists of the Chair of Applied Zoology headed by Prof. Dr. Klaus Reinhardt. Now the scientists have ...

What happens when high achievers retire?

When we think of retirement, we usually conjure images of silver-haired folks playing golf, going on long vacations or taking daytime naps as a reward for a lifetime of work.

Twisting molecule wrings more power from solar cells

Inside a solar cell, sunlight excites electrons. But these electrons often don't last long enough to go on to power cell phones or warm homes. In a promising new type of solar cell, the solar-excited electrons have better ...

Interface engineering for stable perovskite solar cells

The lifetime of perovskite solar cells is significantly enhanced by using few-layer molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) flakes as an active buffer interface layer. Researchers from the Graphene Flagship show that interface engineering ...

Watching apoptosis in 3D

A promising approach for watching cell signaling processes in their physiological context: Scientists visualize apoptosis in live zebrafish using fluorescence lifetime imaging with optical projection tomography to map FRET ...

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