Men work out on time borrowed from women: study

Men appear to "borrow" free time from their female partners to keep up their exercise but women don't get the same time in return, according to new research from The Australian National University (ANU) published in the Journal ...

How your work colleagues affect your home life, and vice versa

There are benefits to being part of a couple in which both are in paid work. A dual income brings, if not necessarily great wealth, at least an element of greater economic freedom, while the relationship can be a source of ...

Can post-breakup Facebook surveillance delay emotional recovery?

More than 900 million people worldwide are active users of the social networking site Facebook, and it is estimated that as many as one-third report using Facebook to check on the activities of former romantic partners. The ...

Coevolution not healthy for the female sea monkey

( -- In a new study titled Male-Female Coevolution in the Wild: Evidence from a Time Series in Artemia Franciscana and published in Evolution, evolutionary ecologist Nicolas Rode from the Centre for Functional ...

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