NASA's look at the difference of a few days in the Thomas Fire

What a difference a few days can make in the life cycle of a fire. In this particular case, the Thomas Fire that is ongoing in the Ventura County around (and surrounding) in Southern California. The following images were ...

How your diet can improve animal welfare

A systematic approach to quantify impacts of food consumption on animal welfare has been developed by researchers of the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden University in collaboration with ETH Zurich, and effective ...

Hounds and wolves share parasites

Grey wolves are hosts to a variety of parasites. The presence of grey wolves in German forests has little influence on the parasite burden of hunting dogs. This reassuring conclusion is the result of a new study at the Berlin-based ...

Metal constraints for a low-carbon economy

It is often thought that a transition to a low-carbon economy requires an enormous increase of the use of metals like steel and copper and smaller amounts of critical raw materials. For power generation and mobility systems, ...

Constructing buildings with re-useable components

The Institute for Civil Engineering and Environment (INCEEN) at the University of Luxembourg have signed a "memorandum of understanding" with the Suisse Federal Laboratories of Materials Science and Technology (Empa) of the ...

Nanomaterial risk profiling puts safety first

With uncertainty around the risks of nanomaterials hampering the EU's innovative potential, researchers are working on a safety concept to better monitor this emerging technology.

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