Palmer amaranth could affect Illinois soybean yield

Although agricultural weed Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) primarily impacts southern U.S. states, new research shows it could soon spread further north and damage soybean yields in Illinois.

How curiosity can save species from extinction

If I had been given one wish as a child I, it would have been that the Tasmanian tiger wasn't extinct. To me extinction was a tragedy. I expect that many people feel the same way.

Without grandmothers we might not be here at all

As adults, we're often nostalgic for our childhood. A time when life seemed so much simpler. When we were free from the hassles of money, pressures of work and responsibilities of family and care.

How plants turn into zombies

Scientists from Jena University (Germany) shed light on the molecular reasons for a bacterial plant disease: In the latest issue of the science journal Trends in Plant Science, the researchers explain how phytoplasmas destroy ...

Copepod migrations are important for the ocean's uptake of CO2

In a scientific article recently published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), researchers from DTU Aqua, the University of Copenhagen and the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, have shown that the ...

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