Computer spots micro clue to lies

( -- Whether you are playing poker or haggling over a deal you might think that you can hide your true emotions.

Computer scientist seeks the real meaning of language

Better be careful about telling a lie to Julia Hirschberg. The computer science professor, an expert in spoken language, examines what people unconsciously communicate through such things as intonation, accent and phrasing. ...

British group unveils facial reading lie-detector

( -- A British team of researchers led by Professor Hassan Ugail of Bradford University have demonstrated a new type of lie-detector at the annual British Science Festival in Bradford. Instead of hooking people ...

Avatar may soon be keeping your safe in the skies

( -- Lie detection is coming to a whole new level. Soon we will not have to rely on the work of individual agents to figure out who is just trying to get on a plane and who is a criminal mastermind in the making.

People lie as a way to manage modern communications

( -- They're the little white lies we tell to save face or other people's feelings -- the "I'm on my way" text messages or "Got to go, phone's ringing" excuses during online chat sessions.

Trusting people make better lie detectors

Trusting others may not make you a fool or a Pollyanna, according to a study in the current Social Psychological and Personality Science. Instead it can be a sign that you're smart.

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