Not to scale? Maya civilizations show strange correlation

Researchers who study urban areas have long observed a connection between size and proximity—namely, that cities become more dense as they gain in population. The more people live in a place, the closer together they live ...

Increased safety for children around lawn mowers

Robotic lawn mowers are great for cutting the grass, but they do pose a risk of injury to children playing nearby. Highly advanced sensors developed by Fraunhofer researchers ensure that the lawn mower shuts down when children ...

Laser technology reveals secrets of ancient Maya civilization

The steamy jungles of northern Guatemala don't reveal secrets easily. For centuries, the overgrown landscape has protected most of the remains of the Maya who once tamed it—yielding slowly to modern scientists seeking to ...

Seeing the forest through the trees with a new LiDAR system

Shortly after lasers were first developed in the 1960s, LiDAR—whose name originated as a combination of "light" and "radar"—capitalized on the newly unique precision they offered for measuring both time and distance. ...

Ultrasensitive sensors ensure optimum sight conditions

News of the first serious accident involving an automated electric vehicle made one of the headlines this summer. The vehicle in question collided with a truck while in autopilot mode. According to the manufacturer, the front ...

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