Upgrading the Large Hadron Collider

Scientists from the Particle Physics Research Group at the University of Bristol are currently working on upgrades to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the particle accelerator and collider located at CERN (the European Organization ...

After a half century, the exotic pentaquark particle is found

In July, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) reported the discovery of the pentaquark, a long-sought particle first predicted to exist in the 1960s as a consequence of the theory of elementary particles and their ...

CERN announces LHC restart schedule

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world, has started to get ready for its second three-year run. Cool down of the vast machine has already begun in preparation for ...

CERN scientists brainstorm future role

Scientists who searched for the famous Higgs Boson concluded a three-day brainstorming session on Wednesday for mapping a long-term global strategy for particle physics.

Beams are back in the LHC

The Large Hadron Collider is back in business! On Friday 30 March, at 12:17 pm, protons circulated in the 27-km ring for the first time in 2018. The world's most powerful particle accelerator thus entered its seventh year ...

New magnet at Fermilab achieves high-field milestone

Last month, a new superconducting magnet developed and fabricated at Fermilab reached its design field of 11.5 Tesla at a temperature nearly as cold as outer space. It is the first successful twin-aperture accelerator magnet ...

LHC celebrates five years of not destroying the world

Five years ago, at breakfast time, the world waited anxiously for news from CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The first nervy bunch of protons were due to be fired around the European lab's latest and ...

What will we find next inside the Large Hadron Collider?

The Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest scientific experiment, is due to restart this month after two years of downtime for maintenance and upgrading. There's no doubt that having played its role in the discovery of ...

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