LG puts hopes on 'next generation' 3-D TV

(AP) -- LG Electronics says competition is heating up in the global battle to woo viewers to 3-D TVs and the South Korean company thinks it has an edge.

Mobile sales up 32 percent last year: Gartner

Worldwide mobile sales increased 32 percent last year and smartphone shipments surpassed those of personal computers for the first time in the fourth quarter, according to tracking firms.

LG Electronics posts $229 million quarterly loss

(AP) -- LG Electronics reported its first quarterly loss in nearly two years as prices for flat screen televisions fell and devices like the iPhone provided stiff competition for its mobile phone business.

Google's Android stars at electronics show

Google may not have had any gadgets on display at the Consumer Electronics Show which closed here Sunday but the Internet giant made its presence felt.

Always connected lifestyle on display at CES

Smarter devices, homes and cars for the always connected lifestyle are taking center stage as the annual Consumer Electronics Show kicks off here on Thursday.

Review: Watching live TV on the go, for free

(AP) -- Here in the U.S., consumers have grown used to gadgets that do just about everything: surf the Web, check e-mail, play games, download music and even relay driving directions.

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