Do bigger brains make smarter carnivores?

Why do dolphins evolve large brains relative to the size of their bodies, while blue whales and hippos have brains that are relatively small?

Russia declares 'Land of the Leopard' National Park

The Wildlife Conservation Society commends the Russian government for creating a new national park to protect critically endangered Amur (Siberian) tigers and the world's rarest big cat: the Far Eastern leopard.

First camera trap photos of rare leopard in China

The first-known camera trap photos of an Amur leopard in China have recently been taken by protected area staff in Hunchun Amur Tiger National Nature Reserve in Jilin Province according to the Wildlife Conservation Society. ...

Mongolian dog tradition revived to protect sheep, leopards

Through three decades of marriage, they have wandered together across the rolling hills of Mongolia's northern Tuv Province, accompanied by their herd of sheep and stalked by the wolves and snow leopards that threaten their ...

Macintosh software vet leaves 'post-PC era' Apple

A senior executive behind Macintosh computer software is leaving Apple as the culture-changing company rushes into a "post PC Era" in which iPads and iPhones supplant desktop computers.

Apple kicks SMS scam fraudsters to the curb

(—Just what you never wanted. Mac-based malware, just ponder that phrase alone, not Windows-based but Mac-based, that tricks users into paying subscription fees. The malware masquerades as an installer for various ...

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