'Flexible camera' replaces lens with fiber web

(PhysOrg.com) -- Imagine a soldier's uniform made of a special fabric that allows him to look in all directions and identify threats that are to his side or even behind him. In work that could turn such science fiction into ...

Lens produces hours of scientific work in seconds

A new form of microscope which can produce results in seconds rather than hours – dramatically speeding up the process of drug development - is being developed by researchers at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, ...

Shuvuuia: A dinosaur that hunted in the dark

Today's 10,000 species of birds live in virtually every habitat on Earth, but only a handful have adaptations enabling them to hunt active prey in the dark of night. Scientists have long wondered whether theropod dinosaurs—the ...

A home-brew observatory detects exoplanet

David Schneider, a senior editor at IEEE Spectrum, was interested in exoplanets, planets that orbit stars other than the sun, but figured this kind of exercise as a home-based project was going to need expensive telescopes; ...

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