Lemurs can sniff out hidden fruit from afar

Lemurs can use their sense of smell to locate fruit hidden more than 50 feet away in the forest—but only when the wind blows the fruit's aroma toward them, according to a study published in the American Journal of Physical ...

Lemurs show there's no single formula for lasting love

Humans aren't the only mammals that form long-term bonds with a single, special mate—some bats, wolves, beavers, foxes and other animals do, too. But new research suggests the brain circuitry that makes love last in some ...

Primate brain size does not predict their intelligence

Chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans are our closest relatives, and like us they have relatively large brains and they are very intelligent. But do animals with larger brains really perform better in cognitive tests? A research ...

Nearly all Madagascar's lemur species 'face extinction'

Almost all species of lemur, the small saucer-eyed primates native to Madagascar, face extinction, an international conservation body warned on Thursday, adding to its growing list of animals and plants under threat.

For lemurs, sex role reversal may get its start in the womb

Anyone who says females are the 'gentle sex' has never met a lemur. Lady lemurs get first dibs on food, steal their mates' favorite sleeping spots and even attack males, swatting or biting those that annoy them.

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