Primate brain size does not predict their intelligence

Chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans are our closest relatives, and like us they have relatively large brains and they are very intelligent. But do animals with larger brains really perform better in cognitive tests? A research ...

Scent signals stop incest in lemurs

Chemical identifiers secreted from the genital glands of lemurs, allow them to avoid incest and also to engage in nepotism. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology have identified the smells ...

Ring-tailed lemurs: Going, going, gone?

The ring-tailed lemur, an iconic primate that is emblematic of the wild and wonderful creatures inhabiting the tropical island of Madagascar, is in big trouble.

Massive carbon credit sale announced in Madagascar

The Government of Madagascar and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today that 705,588 carbon credits are certified for sale from the Makira Forest REDD+ Project. WCS estimates that it will prevent the release ...

For lemurs, sex role reversal may get its start in the womb

Anyone who says females are the 'gentle sex' has never met a lemur. Lady lemurs get first dibs on food, steal their mates' favorite sleeping spots and even attack males, swatting or biting those that annoy them.

New theory on why male, female lemurs same size

When it comes to investigating mysteries, Sherlock Holmes has nothing on Rice University biologist Amy Dunham. In a newly published paper, Dunham offers a new theory for one of primatology's long-standing mysteries: Why are ...

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