Lemurs match scent of a friend to sound of her voice

Humans aren't alone in their ability to match a voice to a face—animals such as dogs, horses, crows and monkeys are able to recognize familiar individuals this way too, a growing body of research shows.

New action plan to save Madagascar's at-risk lemurs

Contrary to the film of DreamWorks' imagining, Madagascar is not ruled by King Julien and his colony of lemurs. In fact the status of the lemurs on the island – the only place on earth that they exist – is a very precarious ...

Lemur lovers sync their scents

The strength of a lemur couple's bond is reflected by the similarity of their scents, finds a new study.

Team finds first evidence of primates regularly sleeping in caves

Scientists have discovered that some ring-tailed lemurs in Madagascar regularly retire to limestone chambers for their nightly snoozes, the first evidence of the consistent, daily use of the same caves and crevices for sleeping ...

Clock ticks for Madagascar's lemurs

Immortalised in the hit cartoon "Madagascar", real-life lemurs face extinction within 20 years short of drastic action to tackle the poverty driving islanders to poach the primates and destroy their habitat.

Massive carbon credit sale announced in Madagascar

The Government of Madagascar and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today that 705,588 carbon credits are certified for sale from the Makira Forest REDD+ Project. WCS estimates that it will prevent the release ...

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