Legal status no guarantee of job security

Legal status is no guarantee that migrants will find more security in the workplace, according to a new study published in the journal Migration Letters.

Courts mostly ignore immigration status in lawsuits, study says

(—When a person living in the U.S. without legal permission or suspected of doing so is involved in a work-related lawsuit, most courts disregard their immigration status when determining remedies, says a study ...

Language barrier creates legal hurdles for Brits in Turkey

Many Brits who move to Turkey are failing to grasp local and international laws, leaving them financially at risk when making legal transactions, such as buying property, a study from Queen Mary, University of London has ...

Maryland Commission recommends 'common sense' immigration policy

Immigrants to Maryland contribute significantly to the state's economy, and were vital to its workforce expansion in both technical and less-skilled occupations from 2000 to 2010, concludes a new report by a Maryland commission. ...

Ore. senator, others cited by digital-rights group

(AP) -- An Oregon senator who was behind a 1996 federal law that has made content-sharing services such as YouTube and Facebook possible is among three recipients of Pioneer Awards from a leading digital-rights group.

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