China Internet czar defends web censorship policies

China's Internet chief fiercely defended his country's strict management of the web Wednesday, saying that censorship of content Beijing deems illegal is necessary to protect online freedoms.

Chimps not entitled to rights of people: NY court

Chimpanzees are not entitled to the same rights as people, a New York state appeals court ruled Thursday, thwarting an advocacy group's attempt to get primates freed from captivity.

Group sues UK eavesdropping agency over hacking

A rights group is suing Britain's GCHQ eavesdropping agency over cyberattacks revealed by former intelligence worker Edward Snowden, saying it's the first time the agency has been sued over hacking.

Obama threatens veto of cybersecurity bill

President Barack Obama threatened on Tuesday to veto a major cybersecurity bill unless Congress amends it to include more protections for privacy and civil liberties.

Will Judicial Judgment Change Cyberspace?

( -- The struggle of American courts to control the explosion of intellectual property rights violations on some of the most traveled highways of cyberspace poses a legal challenge to the judicial system with ...

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