Renault to bring case against Ghosn over expenses

French carmaker Renault is to bring a case against former chief executive Carlos Ghosn after identifying 11 million euros of questionable expenses, the government said Wednesday, in a new blow for the fallen tycoon as he ...

Leaders appeal for 'urgent action' on environment

World leaders gathered in Kenya on Thursday to lend political muscle to UN environment talks, calling for "urgent action" to slow the destruction of natural habitats and accelerate funding for green development.

China's Huawei sues US over federal ban on its products

Tech giant Huawei on Thursday opened a legal front in its counter-offensive against US warnings that it could aid Chinese intelligence services, filing suit to overturn a US law that bars federal agencies from buying its ...

Austria probes Amazon over alleged unfair trade practices

Austria's competition authorities said Thursday it was launching a probe into whether US online retail giant Amazon was abusing its dominant position to favour its own products against those of Austrian retailers selling ...

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