3-D virtual-learning platforms

A 3D virtual world such as SecondLife, cannot in fact be considered a teaching platform, although it provides a good foundation for one. To do so, it must include some elements such as a training program, with a sequence ...

Experiential learning teaches change and adaptation

Economics, environmental impacts, social dynamics, and production levels are all major factors that influence the overall success of an agroecosystem. Positive or negative, these factors enact change on the system, forcing ...

Learning platform uses quiz concept

Can university students, schoolchildren and employees play their way to knowledge? Can computerised games help to reverse worrisome school drop-out rates? Yes, say the researchers behind the Norwegian-developed Kahoot! learning ...

Plan to turn farm waste into paper earns students $15,000

Johns Hopkins engineering students won $15,000 in a national competition for adapting a traditional Korean paper-making technique into a low-tech method that impoverished villagers can use to make paper for their children's ...

Stereoscopic 3-D for professional training of football referees

Researchers from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid are applying stereoscopic 3-D to record exercises on offside position for the FIFA to use as teaching material in professional training courses for assistant referees.

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