AI can teach math teachers how to improve student skills

When middle school math teachers completed an online professional development program that uses artificial intelligence to improve their math knowledge and teaching skills, their students' math performance improved.

Predicting potential problems of persistent plastic particulates

Plastics monopolize our household accessories due to their low cost and versatility. Unfortunately, the lack of proper disposal measures has led to widespread proliferation of these non-biodegradables into the natural environment. ...

Applying enhanced virtuality to language learning

Merging the real world with its mirror in a virtual world so that students can be immersed in a hybrid learning environment that permits improved language teaching: that is the objective of scientists at the Universidad Carlos ...

Artificial neural networks make life easier for hearing aid users

For people with hearing loss, it can very difficult to understand and separate voices in noisy environments. This problem may soon be history thanks to a new groundbreaking algorithm that is designed to recognise and separate ...

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