Designing the classroom of the future

The integration of ICT into every day teaching can have a positive impact on student knowledge and understanding, and can help teachers deliver stimulating and motivating classes.

What are the risks of student cyberbullying?

Details of a survey of middle and high school student attitudes to cyberbullying and online safety will be published in the International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments. The analysis of the ...

Computer smart as a 4-year-old

Artificial and natural knowledge researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have IQ-tested one of the best available artificial intelligence systems to see how intelligent it really is.

Research shows that sharks are quite clever

New behavioural research led by Cranfield ecological scientist's shows that, contrary to historical beliefs, sharks are quick to learn and have good memories.

Learning platform uses quiz concept

Can university students, schoolchildren and employees play their way to knowledge? Can computerised games help to reverse worrisome school drop-out rates? Yes, say the researchers behind the Norwegian-developed Kahoot! learning ...

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