COVID-19 policy could lead to a spike in methane emissions

A new report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), published on March 31, shows that global methane emissions from the oil and gas sector increased by nearly four percent from 2018 to 2019. That trend could continue ...

US calls for rescinding rules on oil industry methane leaks

The Trump administration moved Thursday to revoke Obama-era regulations on climate-changing methane leaks from oil facilities, a proposal that environmental advocates said would renounce key federal legal authority to regulate ...

No. 2 gas-producing state moves to curb air pollution

Pennsylvania is aiming to curb air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from its vast natural gas exploration fields, with the Democratic governor's administration proposing new regulations Thursday even as the Trump administration ...

Chernobyl disaster zone lures tourists as visitor numbers boom

Camera? Check. Sunglasses? Check. And a Geiger counter? Check. For a growing number of thrill-seekers visiting Chernobyl's radiation-contaminated lands the device is used to help navigate the site of what remains the world's ...

Dakota Access company seeks to block pipeline study

The company building the Dakota Access oil pipeline wants a federal judge to block the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from launching a full environmental study of the $3.8 billion pipeline's disputed crossing of a Missouri ...

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