Peat bog sheds new light on Greenland pollution

Scientists from the University of Aberdeen have provided the strongest evidence yet of the origin of atmospheric lead pollution in Greenland, after studying a peat bog on the southern tip of the island.

Getting the lead out

Caltech geochemist Clair Patterson (1922–1995) helped galvanize the environmental movement 50 years ago when he announced that highly toxic lead could be found essentially everywhere on Earth, including in our own bodies—and ...

Study shows no lead pollution in oilsands region

New research from a world-renowned soil and water expert at the University of Alberta reveals that there's no atmospheric lead pollution in Alberta's oilsands region—a finding that contradicts current scientific knowledge.

Excess heavy metals in 10% of China's land: report

About 10 percent of China's farmland contains excessive levels of heavy metals due to contaminated water and poisonous waste seeping into the soil, state media said Monday, citing a government survey.

Australia's inner cities still contaminated with lead

A research article published this week in the international journal Environmental Pollution contends that large tracts of land in the older inner-city suburbs of Australia’s cities remain contaminated with above-acceptable ...

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