The ethics of resurrecting extinct species

( —At some point, scientists may be able to bring back extinct animals, and perhaps early humans, raising questions of ethics and environmental disruption.

Benefits, risks of using geoengineering to counter climate change

If they wanted to, nations around the world could release globe-cooling aerosols into the atmosphere or undertake other approaches to battle climate change, an authority on environmental law said Monday. He recommended international ...

Employers ask job seekers for Facebook passwords

(AP) -- When Justin Bassett interviewed for a new job, he expected the usual questions about experience and references. So he was astonished when the interviewer asked for something else: his Facebook username and password.

What does smartphone war mean for innovation?

Steve Jobs didn't live to see the outcome of the bruising war that pitted his iPhone and iPad against mobile devices that use Google's Android software.

Study casts doubt on sex offender notification laws

( -- While evidence suggests that requiring convicted sex offenders to register with the police reduces the chances they'll re-offend, a recent paper co-authored by a University of Michigan law professor shows ...

Wait is on for judge's ruling in BP oil spill trial

Ed Sherman, a Tulane University law professor specializing in complex litigation, continues to closely monitor the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill trial in New Orleans, almost three years after the Deepwater Horizon drilling ...

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