Scientists develop new technique for bespoke optical tweezers

Scientists have developed a new way to trap small particles with light. Building on the Nobel Prize winning technique of optical tweezers (Arthur Ashkin, 2018), a team of physicists, led by Dr. David Phillips at the University ...

Researchers control biofilm formation using optical traps

Biofilms—slimy layers formed when bacteria stick together on a surface—allow bacteria to shield themselves from extreme environments and even evade antibiotics. In a new study, researchers have shown that laser light ...

Laser squared: A two-domain photon-phonon laser

Lasers are a significant historical invention with ubiquitous impact in society. The concept also has interdisciplinary applications as phonon lasers and atom lasers. A laser in one physical domain can be pumped by energy ...

How advanced optical tweezers revolutionized cell manipulation

Optical tweezers (OTs), also known as optical traps, are highly focused laser beams that can be used to trap and manipulate microscopic objects with a noncontact force. Employed in a wide range of nano and micro-scale operations, ...

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