Theoretical methods for femtomagnetism and ultrafast spintronics

Today's society relies on the processing and storage of large amounts of data. The urgent need for increased data storage capacity and the booming energy consumption of data centers requires the optimization and innovation ...

Researchers design compact high-power laser using plasma optics

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers have designed a compact multi-petawatt laser that uses plasma transmission gratings to overcome the power limitations of conventional solid-state optical gratings. ...

Exploring quantum electron highways with laser light

Topological insulators, or TIs, have two faces: Electrons flow freely along their surface edges, like cars on a superhighway, but can't flow through the interior of the material at all. It takes a special set of conditions ...

Alignment of quantized levels in valleytronic materials

National University of Singapore researchers have predicted that Landau levels belonging to different valleys in a two-dimensional (2D) valleytronic material, monolayer tungsten diselenide (WSe2), can be aligned at a critical ...

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