Novel method for pricing working conditions

New online platform technologies are redefining what employment relationships look like. Many firms do not offer permanent jobs to workers but employ workers at a "piece-rate" or hourly basis, often requiring workers to work ...

Food giants reap enormous profits during times of crisis

A recent report by Oxfam International has found that 62 new "food billionaires" were created during the pandemic. The report, released ahead of this year's World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, highlights the record ...

Can lithium cure what ails the Salton Sea?

Studying the complexity of mud on the ocean floor is a life's work for Timothy Lyons, so when the tall and lean biogeochemist asks you to join an expedition in search of chemical mysteries buried deep beneath the waves, be ...

The psychological cost of corruption in developing countries

Corruption is a crime which slows economic growth, undermines development, and causes inequality. With a cost to the global economy estimated at around US$2.6 trillion (£1.8 trillion) a year, it is often linked to politics ...

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