Visual system interprets sign languages

Spanish sign language is used by over 100,000 people with hearing impairments and is made up of hundreds of signs. CVC-UAB researchers Sergio Escalera, Petia Radeva and Jordi Vitria selected over twenty of these signs to ...

Launch of the first standard graphical notation for biology

Researchers at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) and their colleagues in 30 labs worldwide have released a new set of standards for graphically representing biological ...

Authors use they/them pronouns less frequently in publications

More people are using "they/them" pronouns to signal their gender identity, but writers tend to avoid using "they" to refer to a single person, according to a new study by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

E.T.s may be headed toward Earth, but are we ready for them?

Twenty years from now we might get a call from aliens. In 2017, a powerful radio transmission was aimed at exoplanet GJ 273b, thought to be able to support life. Its message, sent by the alien-hunting group Messaging Extraterrestrial ...

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