Can computers be creative?

The EU-funded 'What-if Machine' (WHIM) project not only generates fictional storylines but also judges their potential usefulness and appeal. It represents a major advance in the field of computational creativity.

What's the semantic organization of human language?

A Chinese semantic network with semantic (argument structure) annotation was built and investigated for finding its global statistical properties. The results show that semantic network is also small-world and scale-free ...

Researchers build an enzyme-discovering AI

While E. coli is one of the most studied organisms, the function of 30% of proteins that make up E. coli has not yet been clearly revealed. For this, an artificial intelligence was used to discover 464 types of enzymes from ...

Can't Make it to a Meeting? Send a Computer Instead

( -- If you’ve ever wished you had an assistant to attend meetings with you, take notes and produce a concise summary, then you’ll be pleased to know that UT Dallas computer scientist Yang Liu hopes to one-up ...

Computing, Sudoku-style

When Alexey Radul began graduate work at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab in 2003, he was interested in natural-language processing -- designing software that could understand ordinary written English. ...

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