Facebook users get new privacy shortcuts

Facebook on Wednesday unveiled simplified tools for protecting privacy at the world's leading social network and made it easier for users whose pictures are on display to ask friends to remove them.

Yahoo is Going Portuguese Hound to Outwit Twitter

Brazil, a Portuguese speaking country is the 10th largest economy in the world and Yahoo has decided to get in on the action by coming up with a clone Twitter. The economic down-turn has affected Brazil to some degree, but ...

Bebo social network expands into Europe

Social networking website Bebo on Monday announced the launch of five new European-language versions, its first major expansion outside the English-speaking world.

Q&A: How generative AI could help accelerate biomedical research

The recent explosion of generative AI tools has prompted many discussions in virtually all fields about the benefits and risks of these technologies. These tools, including ChatGPT, Bard and others, have been trained on huge ...

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