China's Tencent launches English microblog site

Chinese Internet giant Tencent has launched an English version of its Twitter-like microblogging service in a push to tap the overseas market, the official Xinhua news agency reported Tuesday.

Easy-build wireless networks

( -- Networks that monitor life-threatening situations or improve environmental efficiencies will be easier and cheaper to develop and operate, following the creation of a single middleware solution for the entire ...

What's the semantic organization of human language?

A Chinese semantic network with semantic (argument structure) annotation was built and investigated for finding its global statistical properties. The results show that semantic network is also small-world and scale-free ...

Yahoo is Going Portuguese Hound to Outwit Twitter

Brazil, a Portuguese speaking country is the 10th largest economy in the world and Yahoo has decided to get in on the action by coming up with a clone Twitter. The economic down-turn has affected Brazil to some degree, but ...

Bebo social network expands into Europe

Social networking website Bebo on Monday announced the launch of five new European-language versions, its first major expansion outside the English-speaking world.

Multilingualism brings communities closer together

Learning their community language outside the home enhances minority ethnic children's development, according to research led from the University of Birmingham. The research, which was funded by the Economic and Social Research ...

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