Q&A: How generative AI could help accelerate biomedical research

The recent explosion of generative AI tools has prompted many discussions in virtually all fields about the benefits and risks of these technologies. These tools, including ChatGPT, Bard and others, have been trained on huge ...

How to motivate yourself to learn a language

Are you thinking about learning a language? Perhaps you've decided that it's time to dust off your classroom French. Maybe you're planning a trip to Japan and feel like you should make the effort to learn the basics, or work ...

Exploring language acquisition in multilingual children

Language learning is a human universality. There is no human culture without language, and in every culture, children naturally pick up the language or languages used by those around them. Yet cultures and languages are extremely ...

A new tool for protein sequence generation and design

EPFL researchers have developed a new technique that uses a protein language model for generating protein sequences with comparable properties to natural sequences. The method outperforms traditional models and offers promising ...

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