Examining the portrayal of climate change in history textbooks

California and Texas textbooks have their differences when it comes to teaching teenagers about American history and the way that subjects like race, gender, and immigration weave through it. But a new Stanford University ...

Are accents disappearing?

In Boston, there are reports of people pronouncing the letter "r." Down in Tennessee, people are noticing a lack of a Southern drawl. And Texans have long worried about losing their distinctive twang.

How language impacts political opinions

Words have power, but so does the language in which they're spoken, according to Margit Tavits, the Dr. William Taussig Professor in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis.

Words matter: How to reduce gender bias with word choice

In the workplace, even subtle differences in language choice can influence the perception of gender for better or worse. These choices fall into two main categories: minimizing the role of gender by using gender-neutral terms ...

How our brains influence language change

Our language is changing constantly. Researchers of the University of Vienna found that, over centuries, frequently occurring speech sound patterns get even more frequent. The reason for this development is that our brain ...

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