Impoverished meadow and forest flora threaten insects

The intensification of land use poses a major threat to biodiversity, including herbivorous insects and their host plants. If beetles, Orthoptera (grasshoppers/crickets), Heteroptera (true bugs) and Auchenorrhyncha (cicadas/leafhoppers/treehoppers/planthoppers/spittlebugs) ...

Mapping the path to rewilding: The importance of landscape

Rewilding—a hands-off approach to restoring and protecting biodiversity—is increasingly employed around the globe to combat the environmental footprint of rapid urbanization and intensive farming. The recent reintroduction ...

Study offers insights into management of invasive paperbark trees

The paperbark tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia) was introduced to the U.S. from Australia in the 1900s. Unfortunately, it went on to become a weedy invader that has dominated natural landscapes across southern Florida, including ...

Effects of past ice ages more widespread than previously thought

Cold temperatures, prevalent during glacial periods, had a significant impact on past and modern unglaciated landscapes across much of North America, according to a recent study by University of Arkansas geologist Jill A. ...

Evapotranspiration in an arid environment

Evapotranspiration is an important process in the water cycle because it is responsible for 15% of the atmosphere's water vapor. Without that input of water vapor, clouds could not form, and precipitation would never fall. ...

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