Research recommends compromise when choosing conservation site

A lot of variables come into play when selecting a site for environmental conservation that yields benefits to people nearby such as wildlife needs, species and vegetation uniqueness, and costs to the government or community. ...

Changing ecosystems in Bavaria

Bavaria is changing: In regions such as Lower Franconia, climate change is producing drier and hotter conditions. At the same time, extreme weather gets a boost with heavy rainfall or hail leading to flooding and soil erosion.

Ecological intensification of agriculture

Putting a halt to the profound changes affecting agricultural landscapes: With this goal in mind, scientists, farmers and official representatives teamed up to look into ecological intensification as a potential solution.

Landscape ecology must play a role in policymaking

The world faces unprecedented environmental transformation. Successfully managing and adapting to a rapidly changing Earth requires the swift action of well-informed policymakers. In a State of the Science report for BioScience, ...

Discovering untapped value in Europe's forests

Non-wood forest products can help boost the economies of remote mountainous areas of Europe, maintain local traditions and preserve unique landscapes for generations to come. Exploitation of a variety of non-wood products ...

Are trees in Central Europe defying climate change?

Over 200 researchers from Europe and around the world are currently meeting in Zürich to share the latest findings on the topic "Climate Change: Tree responses in Central European forests". One key question is this: How ...

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