How landline phones made us happy and connected

Smartphones and the internet have revolutionised society, commerce, and politics, reshaping how we work and play, and how our brains are wired. They have even revolutionised how revolutions are made.

Callers of all incomes ditching landlines for cell

(AP) -- The number of households with cell phones but no landlines continues to grow, but the recession doesn't seem to be forcing poor cellular users to abandon their traditional wired phones any faster than higher-income ...

Phone home and call likely answered on the cell

(AP) -- In a high-tech shift accelerated by the recession, the number of U.S. households opting for only cell phones has for the first time surpassed those that just have traditional landlines. It is the freshest evidence ...

Fleeing customers haunt phone co. in New England

(AP) -- Phone companies fear that customers will increasingly switch off their landlines in favor of wireless phones or phone service from cable TV providers. So the last thing FairPoint Communications Inc. needed was to ...

Feds get closer look at fake mobile bill charges

(AP)—When a mysterious, unauthorized fee appears on your cellphone bill, it's called "cramming" and consumer advocates and regulators worry it's emerging as a significant problem as people increasingly ditch their landlines ...

Mobile phone 'Have-nots' sidelined

( -- The explosive growth of mobile phones in the developing world has sidelined tens of millions of people, according to new research.

Poor households take lead in abandoning landlines

(AP) -- In a financial and technological role reversal, a growing number of Americans are getting rid of their old telephones and using only cellphones, a trend being led not by the high-tech elite but by people in poorer ...

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