Saving America's forests could help curb climate warming

America has more than 800 million acres of forest and woods, and most of that land is privately owned. A new study finds that economic incentives for landowners to keep their land in productive forests could be a valuable ...

New insights into invasive plant management

Over a decade of research at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has resulted in the development of a new matrix for invasive plant management. The model was created by scientists with the Agricultural Research Service ...

Digging deep—value of the soil microbiome unearthed

Researchers in South Australia are digging deep into history of soil biology in the state to gain a better understanding of how the soil microbiome functions to ensure sustainable broadacre farming into the future.

Long-term efficacy of managed wildfires in restoration efforts

Land managers are increasingly interested in using lightning-ignited wildfires as a tool to restore forests and reduce fuel loads. But little is known about the effectiveness of managing wildfires to meet restoration goals.

Greenhouse gas emissions still an issue

The amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities is cause for concern as evidence of major climate change begins to mount. A European research team spanning 15 countries is ...

US expected to extend Grand Canyon mining ban

The US administration scheduled an announcement Monday widely expected to implement a long-term ban on mining around the Grand Canyon, a move praised by environmental activists.

A labor saving way to monitor vast rangelands

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists have found that unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), a tool used by the military, may be suitable for keeping an eye on changing land-use patterns across vast tracts of western ...

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