Pathogens chase down migrating gypsy moths

( -- Cornell researchers discovered that the gypsy moth's fungal and viral pathogens follow close behind migrating populations, making control efforts unnecessary, reports entomologist Ann Hajek.

Addressing feral cats' diet may help protect native species

Because reducing the impacts of feral cats—domestic cats that have returned to the wild—is a priority for conservation efforts across the globe, a research team recently reviewed the animals' diet across Australia and ...

Image: California's Jerusalem fire at night

From its orbit around the Earth, the NASA-NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite or Suomi NPP satellite, captured a night-time image of California's Jerusalem Fire.

Picturing where wildlands and people meet at a global scale

Researchers led by a team at the University of Wisconsin–Madison have created the first tool to map and visualize the areas where human settlements and nature meet on a global scale. The tool, which was part of a study ...

Overgrazed grasslands tied to locust outbreaks

While residents of the United States and much of Europe think of locust plagues as biblical references, locust swarms still have devastating effects on agriculture today, especially in developing countries in Asia and Africa.

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