Look up! A powerful owl could be sleeping in your backyard

Picture this: you're in your backyard gardening when you get that strange, ominous feeling of being watched. You find a gray oval-shaped ball about the size of a thumb, filled with bones and fur—a pellet, or "owl vomit."

Rare species of small cats inadequately protected

The Indian subcontinent is a hotspot for wild felines. A new study headed by Uppsala University now shows that only 6–11 per cent of the areas where three rare cat species have their habitat are protected. Lack of knowledge ...

Latest map of world's land cover unveiled by ESA

ESA’s 2009 global land cover map has been released and is now available to the public online from the ‘GlobCover’ website. GlobCover 2009 proves the sharpest possible global land cover map can be created within ...

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