No reason to be sheepish about paternity

A new, low-cost DNA test to verify sheep parentage could soon help breeders worldwide to record accurate pedigrees and maximise the genetic potential of their flock.

South African farmer equips sheep with cell phones

A South African farmer is fielding phone calls from his sheep, after equipping them with cell phones to keep tabs on the flock amid recent livestock thefts, according to local press Wednesday.

94 French farms struck by new 'Schmallenberg' virus

Ninety-four farms in northern France have been hit by a novel virus, first uncovered in Germany last year, that strikes cattle, sheep and goats, a French research agency reported on Tuesday.

The ewe can mitigate adverse experiences in her lambs

Lambs are likely to encounter a number of adverse events, starting from the fetal stage. In rodents and humans, it was shown that the mother can mitigate the effects of adverse experiences in her young.

Research Yields Sheep Breeding Improvements

( -- Artificial insemination (AI) techniques that work well with cattle and swine can be difficult or costly to perform in sheep, but help’s on the way, thanks to Agricultural Research Service (ARS) studies ...

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