'No more water': Iraq drought claims lakeside resort

Iraqi merchant Mohamed has never seen such a grim tourist season: years of drought have shrunken the majestic Lake Habbaniyah, keeping away the holidaymakers who once flocked there during summer.

Major limnology paradigm questioned by new study

Shallow lakes can take on two alternative stable states, according to a theory on ecological equilibrium in the study of inland waters (limnology). This paradigm has now been called into question by a study conducted by the ...

Water in smog may reveal pollution sources

The chemical signature of water vapor emitted by combustion sources such as vehicles and furnaces has been found in the smoggy winter inversions that often choke Salt Lake City. The discovery may give researchers a new tool ...

Scheduling the unknown

How can the exploration of a Canadian lake, using deep-water submersibles, help NASA plan for the human exploration of Mars?

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