Lake sturgeon have genes from parasite, signs of human STD

While trying to find a DNA-based test to determine the sex of lake sturgeon, Purdue University researchers found that the sturgeon genome contains trematode genes that didn't originally belong to it and may harbor a protozoan ...

Living fossils? Actually, sturgeon are evolutionary speedsters

Efforts to restore sturgeon in the Great Lakes region have received a lot of attention in recent years, and many of the news stories note that the prehistoric-looking fish are "living fossils" virtually unchanged for millions ...

Prehistoric fish may be poised for a comeback

Researchers studying lake sturgeon in Northwest Georgia's Coosa River have found evidence that the fish may be reproducing for the first time since they were wiped out in the 1970s.

New spawning reefs to boost native fish in St. Clair River

Construction of two new fish-spawning reefs is about to begin in the St. Clair River northeast of Detroit, the latest chapter in a decade-plus effort to restore native species such as lake sturgeon, walleye and lake whitefish.

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