Engineering team heads to Antarctica to explore hidden lake

Next week a British engineering team heads off to Antarctica for the first stage of an ambitious scientific mission to collect water and sediment samples from a lake buried beneath three kilometres of solid ice. This extraordinary ...

Climate change is making lakes less blue

If global warming persists, blue lakes worldwide are at risk of turning green-brown, according to a new study which presents the first global inventory of lake color. Shifts in lake water color can indicate a loss of ecosystem ...

Earth's fiery past and future modeled by NASA

Wildfires may seem like a fixed and unchanging force of nature. They're not. Over long time scales, research has shown that both the climate and humans have a profound effect on wildfire activity around the globe. Now new ...

Paleolake deposits on Mars might look like sediments in Indonesia

In their GSA Bulletin article published online last week, Timothy A. Goudge and colleagues detail the clay mineralogy of sediment from Lake Towuti, Indonesia, using a technique called visible to near-infrared (VNIR) spectroscopy. ...

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