Why some humans developed a taste for milk and some didn't

Imagine a dinner party somewhere in Italy to which, as it turns out, my dad has been invited. On the menu tonight is a sliced tomato, basil and mozzarella salad, pasta with a creamy mushroom sauce topped with parmesan cheese, ...

Team discovers E. Coli is more resilient than previously known

A team of Russian scientists led by Skoltech Professor Mikhail Gelfand has discovered a new process by which the bacteria E. Coli (Escherichia Coli) processes lactose, thus enabling its survival. Most bacteria are able to ...

All tied up: Tethered protein provides long-sought answer

The tools of biochemistry have finally caught up with lactose repressor protein. Biologists from Rice University in Houston and the University of Florence in Italy this week published new results about "lac repressor," which ...

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