Related topics: heart attack

Underwater survival story presents physics puzzle

( —When Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory physicist Maxim Umansky flipped through the news, a startling underwater survival story caught his attention. In May, a boat cook survived a 60-hour underwater ordeal ...

US zoo cites liver disease in baby panda's death

Veterinary pathologists on Thursday blamed liver disease brought on by insufficient oxygen for the sudden death of a six-day-old baby panda born at the National Zoo in Washington last month.

The gene helping submerged plants

Climate change threatens plants as the risks of flooding increase. A new study from Stockholm University shows that special genes are key to keeping plants from withering, remaining healthy and resistant to a lack of oxygen ...

Skydiver cancels try at supersonic jump

Extreme athlete Felix Baumgartner canceled his planned death-defying 23-mile (37.01-kilometer) free fall Tuesday because of high winds, the second time this week he was forced to postpone his quest to be the first supersonic ...

Taking X-rays of CO2

As CO2 levels in the Earth's atmosphere top 400 parts per million, options such as storing the greenhouse gas in porous sandstone rock formations found in abundance on the sea floor are of increasing interest. But how do ...

Acid sensor discovered in plants

Climate change is causing increased flooding and prolonged waterlogging in northern Europe, but also in many other parts of the world. This can damage meadow grasses, field crops or other plants—their leaves die, the roots ...

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