Rayleigh scattering reveals light propagation in optical nanfibers

Optical fibers are hair-like threads of glass used to guide light. Fibers of exceptional purity have proved an excellent way of sending information over long distances and are the foundation of modern telecommunication systems. ...

A pocket-sized medical lab being tested at the CHUV

The device – a sort of Swiss army knife of medical tests – was created by Qloudlab, a start-up based at EPFL, and is currently undergoing certification at the CHUV hospital. This miniature laboratory is a quick, easy ...

Canada to send two astronauts into space by 2024

Canada committed Tuesday to flying two astronauts to space within the next decade as part of its renewed participation with the International Space Station program.

Driest place on Earth hosts life

Researchers have pinpointed the driest location on Earth in the Atacama Desert, a region in Chile already recognised as the most arid in the world. They have also found evidence of life at the site, a discovery that could ...

Lab test commonly used to assess water toxicity

Hyalella azteca are invertebrates that are widely used for sediment and water toxicity studies. Investigators have found that H. azteca collected from sites influenced by agricultural/urban runoff are as much as 2-times less ...

ONR: Helping to train the future canine force

Canines have proven to be expert bomb detectors for U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. But with combat operations winding down, the Office of Naval Research's (ONR) Expeditionary Canine Sciences program is taking a fresh ...

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